Cork Jewellery

Handmade and sustainable cork jewellery made from Portuguese cork trees.

Elegant, modern, washable and resistant:
The perfect alternative to animal leather!

My Promise

„Ein einfacher Luxus“

Swarovski Collection

„Atme das Meer ein“

Maritime Collection

Armband und Ring mit silbernem Seestern auf Steinen in der Sonne am Strand

„Atme das Meer ein“

Maritime Collection

„Ein einfacher Luxus“

Swarovski Collection

Cork as a natural alternative to leather

Cork as a natural alternative to leather

Approximately 34% of the worldwide cultivation area of cork oaks is in Portugal, where the cork oak thrives both in the natural forests of the Serra and in cork plantations. The cork industry is considered to be particularly ecological and sustainable, as the bark of the cork oak required to extract the cork is harvested in a strictly regulated process without damaging the tree. The cork oak may only be peeled every 9 years so that the bark can grow back again.

All work steps from cooking the bark to selection and cutting are done by hand. For further processing, the cork processed in this way is delivered in bales of 65 kg in different qualities to other factories, from which the cork ribbons, but also a variety of other products, are made.

The cork ribbons are made from the so-called cork leather, also called cork fabric. It is obtained in a complex process as a thin layer from the middle of the cork bark. The panels are glued into strips and lined with a textile material. This material is also used for clothing, shoes, handbags and many handicraft items

Korkbaum in grüner Landschaft in Portugal
